Mad Titan Sports is a Kodi sports addon located in Magnetic repository.
Sections include Updates, Live Sports, Replay Zone, Live TV, Movies, TV Shows, Music, Sports Docs, and more.
* has No affiliation with Kodi, any Addons, Repos, or Builds. is a news and informational site which does not support or condone copyright infringement. Kodi should only be used with content that is bought and owned personally or is in the public domain.
Mad Titan Sports V2.0 Location and Info
- Repo Name: Magnetic Repository
- URL:
- Kodi Version Compatibility: 20 Nexus and 21 Omega
How To Install Mad Titan Sports Kodi Addon
- At the top left click the System Settings (Gear Icon)
- Click File Manager
- On the left click Add Source
- Click where it says NONE
- Type in the URL: and click OK
- In the next box down name it Magnetic and click OK
- Double check everything is correct and click OK
- Go back to the main menu and click Add-ons
- Click the Add-on Package Installer Icon at the top left
- Click Install from zip file
- Click Yes on the Warning popup and if not already be sure Unknown Sources is enabled
- A box will pop open select Magnetic
- Click (If there is a newer version install it)
- Wait for the Repository to download and popup at the top right and say Repository Installed
- Click Install from repository
- Click Magnetic Repo
- Video Add-ons
- Click Mad Titan Sports
- Click Install
This repo only work on PC or Mac. No luck installing to IOS device.
I have it installed nad have used it but now its not working.
The search does not work here for a long time
just how many things can be added to the mad titan? i have followed your instructions to a tee, and i still cannot
When I try to open Mad Titan I get a notice that it’snot an official repository,is there another repository besides Magnetic?
I am having the same issue, been using this addon for 2 years without fail, and then starting Friday anytime I click on a channel in my PvR, or try to open app up nothing happens then I get that error message. Been scouring message boards to see if anyone has a remedy. This addon is literally 90 percent of my Kodi watching, am lost without it
Having same issue I’ve completely restored the whole app. Any tips? D did you get it working
I’m using vpn, kodi and the crew, mad titans and sportsHD
Normally the best with Sports, however all
Tails are mo longer working/available..
Please fix
Works fine
Says “failed to install a dependency”.- Input stream adaptive failed to download
This is a piece of junk addon. Nothing works.
Works for me in USA with no VPN
Works perfectly with no VPN on my x96mini Android box on Kodi 19.4 matrix. I GOT “MAD TITAN SPORTS V2.0.